Jun 29, 2012

Benefits of onions Medical and Cancer and health

Praised the scientists ancient medicine of the benefits of onions, and they said that rewarding the raw or cooked benefit from the damage of contaminated water and the Browns face and pay damage toxins and strengthens the stomach and irritates the Beh, and softens phlegm, and opens the Sudd and unrelenting stomach and cure of alopecia areata (Dlka) and roast it in favor of the cough and the roughness of the chest, and benefit a wrench to the back and hip, and one hundred if Akthal it with honey to benefit from low vision and the water descending in the eye, and if Qatar in the ear weight of the benefit of hearing and tinnitus and discharge pus.

According to him David of Antioch, "It opens the Sudd, and strengthens the Alshahuah especially cooked with meat, and goes jaundice, and generates the urine and menstrual gravel and heartbreaking." Razi said: "If I said Hravch defect onions and the forces of the stomach and pickled onions Fear arousal is very." Ibn al-Bitar, "high-onions to a lust for food and Mats soothing, laxative of the abdomen, I really appreciate if Cook was lucrative for Paul, more than in Beh that eating onions boiled with water, and injustice grilled cheese and cut the smell of fried cobra from the mouth.

What are the chemical content of onions?

Contains the same material that contains garlic which is a of Linz, as well as various sugars and sugars are the most important of sucrose, flavonoids and Sterodat soap and mineral substances of the most important of calcium, phosphorus, iron, sulfur, vitamin A, C and composite Algelocousin that determine the percentage of sugar in the blood which is equivalent to insulin in its effect.

Medical benefits of onions:

The onions are benefits to countless and most important of which has been demonstrated in experiments conducted on onions in Victoria College and the University of Newcastle in Britain, which says that eating onions, fresh or cooked in oil or ghee, or grilled reduces the incidence of stroke, blood has conducted trials clinical on 22 patients between the ages of 78.19 years, He provides them with breakfast 60 grams of a onion in different ways and the result was they have immunity against stroke and were running constantly analyzes on samples from the blood of patients has been shown that the factor in the installation of onions, which prevents thrombosis and reduces the incidence of the unimpaired heat and Aivob in the water .

(Antiseptic for the mouth)

And some studies have shown that it can be used to cleanse the mouth, where chewing onion or a garlic for 3 minutes longer sufficient to kill all the germs in the mouth. Has also proven that the inhalation of vapor onions or eating lead to the entry into force of the pilot fuel sulfur content in which the human blood which leads to genocide germs that cause disease and thus can use the onions in the treatment of respiratory disease resulting from infection with germs such as inflammation of the nose sharp, as well as infections of the throat and trachea and the people airways such as bronchitis.


Also, studies have shown that onions prevents clotting in the arteries of the heart, so he is one of the medications preventive important to maintain the integrity of the heart and prevent crises and angina pectoris and perhaps this reveals to us the mystery of the lack of a wounded Egyptian peasants Balzbhat thoracic result of eating onions in large quantities in food and on a daily basis.


As well as scientific studies have proven that a onion reduces sugar in patients with diabetes have found that onions contain a substance similar to a substance Algelocousin hormone insulin, and have the effect of a similar or close to the action of insulin, which helps to reduce blood sugar.

Studies also showed that onions used in the treatment of asthma where use onion juice by teaspoon mixed with one teaspoon of honey every three hours as the onion extraordinary ability to expel phlegm from the airways that causes shortness of these people, resulting in difficulty in breathing and the occurrence of asthma .


As for the injection of cancer was a French doctor, George Akowska serum onions many patients, especially cancer and got good results and can be done enema works of onion juice extracted by pressing to achieve this.


And proven experience also the success of the onions in the treatment of colds and flu by making syrup of onions as cut onion into rings and placed in a dish, then add to it sugar and leave for 24 hours until the nomination is then taken from 2 to 5 tablespoons of this filtrate a day.

(Lack of appetite)

Has approved the German Pharmacopoeia officially on the use of onions for the treatment of anorexia and hardening of the arteries and to treat problems of poor digestion.

To treat fever, colds and to treat itching and inflammation of the airways and to treat high blood pressure and to treat bacterial infections and infections of the mouth and throat.


Onions and garlic both, especially their cards speed up the maturity of the boils and Aldahos which consists in the fingers near the nail, as well as Jerjd which consists in the eyeball, and that beating the fresh leaves and put them on the place of injury, either garlic can survey its water that comes out of one Alavsas on the cricket eye healed quickly.


And you must save the onions and garlic in a dry place and good ventilation and away from moisture and uses of a medium-sized onion, it's best to keep Balbsalh not valid or peeled garlic minced or a because they are oxidized with air and become toxic.


To get rid of liquefaction tears when peeling onions can be peeled and water pours from the tap as a water prevents sulfate allele of the tears stirring. To get rid of the smell of onions that stick hand wash hands with lukewarm water in which the amount of salt or one tablespoon of ammonia. To get rid of the smell of garlic, a person deals with tender kernels of beans or grains of coffee or cumin or cardamom or star anise or veins of parsley or apple.


Used onions for the treatment of asthma by taking a quantity of onions, cut in the form of very thin slices and then placed in a jar and add it twice its size honey pure (three veins Basal Medium Size 1.4 Clio honey) and let the mixture after Tkulaibh well for twenty-four hours and then taken from fill rate of a tablespoon four times a day. Pressed or taken from the onions and fill the spoon and mix well with a spoonful of honey and fill rate are taken every three hours and then every six hours

Benefits and harm of coffee for men and women and Children

drinking coffee is working to burn the largest amount of fat

As well as to increase the human capacity to exercise

By up to 30% from the normal rate.

According to a study conducted by Australian scientists found that a small amount of caffeine

Able to increase the amount of energy in the body when you exercise.

It stimulates the muscles in the body to burn fat to begin

When the body is usually cumbersome because of the accumulation and storage of carbohydrates in it,

This process needs in a normal situation to ninety minutes of aerobic exercise

To achieve the same result without the caffeine.

There are custom cushions that caffeine intake as well as practitioner

Exercise leads to injury the human body dehydrated.

However, the doctors point out that the dehydration from drinking caffeine

Occur when dealing with rights of large amounts of caffeine and in a short time.

Summary of this research that caffeine does not have supernatural abilities to burn fat

And it can help in burning fat in the case of the intake

Little of it during the exercise.

The other hand, there are also multiple benefits of caffeine

Remind them what comes out by scientists at Hofstra University, New York, U.S.,

Study says that the intake of caffeine,

Whether from coffee, tea or cola,

Increases the speed of writing, printing, and reduces the likelihood of errors in people

Who have not received wide coverage usually only drink coffee.

The researchers found that caffeine affects the people who

Consume four cups of coffee a day, and especially of women.

The experts noted, follow-up after 48 employee in writing,

Has been divided into groups according to the amount of coffee consumed,

That the addition of caffeine to the body which does not contain large amounts of it at all,

Increase productivity and reduce errors and raise the level of focus and attention.

On the other hand, the researchers said that a cup of tea or coffee

Can be treated with some types of headaches,

Since the caffeine found in them can be very helpful

Of people to get rid of headaches caused by tension and anxiety.

Caffeine is added routinely to drugs for pain

Including those sold without a prescription ..

A recent study confirms that for large enough therapeutic value against the familiar symptoms of headache.

As well as hair treatment products that caffeine may help

To stop hair loss and baldness in men.

The researchers found that at the University of Jena for this alarm clock the greatest impact

For men who suffer from hair roots of sensitive

Of the hormone testosterone which is the anniversary of the main reasons for hair loss

The German scientists it has to be put caffeine

He repeated it directly on the hair instead of coffee to get

The desired results because the human need to drink 60 to 80

A cup of coffee to get the required amount of caffeine, which reaches to the roots of the hair.

This is on another level, and about the benefits of coffee in general found

Researchers in Italy that coffee can fight bacteria

And harmful microbes mouth of the gums and teeth and prevent tooth drilling and vacuoles.

In addition to the above that the chemical components of coffee, thanks

Health benefits such as resistance to suicide and cirrhosis of the liver

And some types of cancer, asthma, heart disease, Parkinson's disease.

In reference to the benefits of eating two cups to four cups of coffee a day, said Professor

"The risk of these diseases in those who do not drink coffee more than among those who

Drink in moderation. "

The majority of research on coffee during the past twenty years

Has focused on the caffeine is the active ingredient in coffee.

The caffeine stimulates the central nervous system and used for a long time

Diluted in the pharmaceutical industry for the pain and the reduction of excessive appetite

Drowsiness, and resistance to colds, asthma and dropsy.

It harms the body by the back, insomnia, tension and high blood pressure

Benefits of fish for sex and men and omega-3

fish is rich large proportion of the phosphorus and omega-3, which doctors recommend taking it a fixed rate per week and especially if you are what you have a diet.

And the multiplicity of the benefits of fish make sure you are always presented on your table of 2: 3 times a week, where studies indicated that fish with many benefits and help to enjoy good health and prolong life, and this is confirmed by the European study by the International Agency for Research on Cancer in Lyon and the European Foundation for Oncology in Milan, pointing out that eating salmon, tuna and fish oil at rates fixed weekly prolong life to six years in the least because it contains vitamin

The stability of myself

If you suffer from period to period from bouts of depression or on the verge of getting them, you should eat a meal of fish to erase them all sorrows, revealed this mystery British researchers, and said that fish are more effective than many of the drugs in the fight against depression, pointing out that the salmon and tuna , mackerel and other species that are saved with oil contain healthy fats "essential fatty acids" support the stability of mental state and mood.

According to Professor American David Mahuluun, School of Psychiatry at Harvard University: "that the addition of omega-3 to our diet may help in restoring the balance between the consumption of fat and the reduction of psychological problems", so I recommend the experts on the importance of eating fish generally twice a week or at least eat one gram at least twice per day of fish oil to treat depression and maintain mental health.

Sexual tonic

Characterized by fish and marine organisms: man its proximity to a high percentage of iodine, this component plays a major role in the activation of sexual desire and improve performance and to contain a high content of phosphorus is so expert as a natural Viagra fish.

The researchers found that women who have a deficiency in iodine diluted Andhen sexual desire and suffer from disturbances in the dates of the menstrual cycle, so organized like fish menstruation and addresses frigidity in women and increases the formation of semen and sexual potency in men, while the phosphorus diet effective indispensable to the brain in its food because it helps to deliver electrical signals from the brain to the nerve cells and on to the muscles involved in sexual performance.

Heart of iron

Does not improve fish sex life between the spouses, but also it helps in the prevention of heart disease, because it contains the "omega-3," which reduce the chances of stroke and pressure, and the study conducted by researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health in England that eat more fish and seafood protects women from heart disease, because it is granted by the power and the prevention of cardiovascular disease.

Emerged through a study of the hearts of women has been proven Inuit women in the world they are less vulnerable to this type of disease, and eating seafood twice to four times a week leads to improved health in general because the omega-3 oils found in fish prevent fat accumulation and deposition on the walls of the arteries and causing heart attacks or strokes.

The doctors found evidence that the substance omega-3 found in fish can prevent the movement of irregular heart which may lead to a heart attack, as well as prevent the presence of excessive amounts of sodium and calcium in the heart and that can cause neurological changes dangerous for him.

In addition to that eating fish improves the performance of the immune system in the body, and protects against Alzheimer's disease, which contains the fat on the amounts of protein help build the body significantly, is also working this fat to maintain the freshness of the skin, and helps in the process of blood clotting in the event wound infection.

More intelligence unit

Not only the benefits of fish for adults, but Foaúha up to the fetus in the womb, and advised the doctors in the U.S. study the need to address the pregnant mother to fish because of its importance for the child, where scientists found that children in pre-school whose mothers ate regular types of fish low mercury during pregnancy may enjoy the mind more severe than their counterparts.

The researchers found that among 341 children in the age of 3 years showed children whose mothers ate fish more than twice a week during pregnancy performed better overall in tests of oral and visual and motor performance, and explained the results of tests are lower among children in pre-school who had their mothers relatively high levels of mercury in the blood during pregnancy, these results strengthen the evidence that fish can be food for the brain, but it highlights the importance of choosing low-mercury fish during pregnancy.

Small fish were reported

So do not forget to supply your child's meal of fish at least twice a week in the days of the study, because it is staple food for the brain, and experts advise the health of Australians need to address the children's fish only small, and came after a search on three families Asian used to feed her children gruel thick creamy too, called "Khungi."

The researchers reported that the proportion of mercury to the children of these families who are between the ages of 15 months and two years, increasing to five times the usual due to eating a "Alkoonja."

Dr Stephen Corbett children that eating fish from the sound quality and in adequate quantities for good health, and advised doctors to address children Mekdarin or three fish per week, warning that even low levels of mercury may affect the growth of children.

Benefits of potatoes for weight loss and skin

Eat potatoes boiled in water without additives and without salt is the latest way to lose weight healthily

Potatoes have many benefits and useful, researchers have confirmed that dealt boiled in water without additions
And without salt is the latest medical way to lose weight, because they contain substances that can absorb the fat
Of the body in a manner not detrimental to human.

● contains cent grams of potatoes on 75% of the weight of water and 12% fiber and about 25% carbohydrates 20%
Carbon and 10% of a gram 13 grams fat 1 gram calcium iron and vitamin C and nutrition experts say that the
Boiled potatoes Bakchertha if eaten with the peel be reported because of the crust contain a high proportion of
Calcium and phosphorus and iron ..

● Dr. Moussa al-Khatib, a nutrition expert and global systems of the diet, that it boiled potatoes
Material capable of absorbing all the toxins from the body and dealing with and do not harm the heart.

● He d. Moses that the potato has other benefits, the benefit of the body, like the honey bees are
Protect against the evil dealt with cancer, because they contain essential nutrients for the body
Such as metals, iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and copper, in addition to Aftiamin "c."

● The most famous of vegetables, which contain a high content of carbohydrates and sugars to the
They are used to increase the weight ... Potatoes and vegetables of the richest in the element potassium, which contains
100 grams of muscle contraction and non-voluntary Ardaih for that cause a lack of relaxation of the muscles of the colon and swelling
And potatoes also contain protein.

Containing potato starch (a large proportion), protein, organic acids (apple acid, citric acid, oxalic acid, etc.), vitamins and minerals. - Also contain alcohol Alomala (Amyl alcohol) which gives a fresh potato taste and smell special. - It is worth mentioning that the trunks of potatoes (the parts exposed to sunlight) are toxic because they contain a substance is toxic alcoholic Alkolanin. * Benefits and Uses: - find the folk medicine uses large potato, they are governing the acidity in the stomach (used for this purpose, fresh potato juice), which regulate bowel function and stop the pain in the stomach and intestines. - Chinese medicine is used against the potato skin diseases. - In the former Czechoslovakia
Dug potatoes from a drug is medically Alonajabin for the treatment of diseases of the stomach and against the poisoning. - The potato, despite its popularity and availability of all collected a lot of useful features are rich in mineral elements, vitamins, carbohydrates and fiber, as well as they contain protein, and is worth mentioning that the type of starch in the potato contains a type of sugar rapid absorption so you should pay attention to those who suffer of diabetes. And potatoes helps to produce energy within the body. - In the United States potatoes are the primary source of vitamin C because of the propagation of address (62 kg per person per year). - And what you should pay attention to him that the substances found in the crust of potatoes, directly below the crust is rich in vitamin C which contain anti-cancer and oxidation. So try eating a potato with its skin. - Specialists cosmetic use potato powder for cosmetic goals. Mode of consumption: - reservation potatoes in a dry place away from light and air for several weeks. - It is customary to boil potatoes, fried and grill or put in soups, or use of power in the form of powder (puree). - It is better to prepare potatoes with as little as possible of the oil and eaten with its skin as possible but I do not mind eating french fries from time to time. - There are several types of potatoes, but you should avoid green potatoes especially grains that show it may be buds of which are toxic to humans.

Uses and benefits of medical potatoes:

1. Good food can be relied upon when you get sores in the digestive system, whether in the intestines or stomach, and can use potatoes cooked Slqa Therefore, Aoasar potato which absorbs the acidity of acid the stomach hydrochloric and deposited a layer of potato starch on the sores Fathmiha of acid and bacteria called Helicobacter.
2. Diuretic, heartbreaking gravel and sand.
3. Euphemism for diseases that solves the large bowel and colon and now called Irritable bowel syndrome. Working to calm the eruption of thick intestine.
4. Calm nerves, containing vitamin B complex.
5. Placed on the face and body in the treatment of inflamed pimples.
6. Juice treated skin burns and heat stroke, and is moisturizing body several times a day.
7. Removes colic and bloating in the abdomen, through the launch of flatus

Uses and benefits of sweet potatoes Medical

- An anti-spasm and colic
- Addresses the nausea of ​​pregnant women
- Used for many aches cholera cramps
- Addresses the pain nerves
- Addresses the Alhazoukh Aelchenjip

Benefits of Grape for skin ,Beauty ,Health and fat

Health benefits of grapes:

Grapes contribute in reducing high blood pressure, as it is generating for Paul because it contains the proportion • high potassium.
• It is the contents of the grapes especially the crust, a group of vitamin B complex and that the body needs in many ways, especially for the safety of the nervous system
• Grapes are a rich source of fiber contains about 4.3%, fiber is not a component of food, however, proved to have many health benefits they prevent constipation.
• reduces the acidity, especially acidity caused by indigestion, because the grape contains many of the natural acids impact equivalent to baseband, where pH, is equal to or resembling a milk easier to digest than milk.
• Grapes of high therapeutic value, especially for people who suffer from disorders or weakness in the kidney where the grape contains a good proportion of water and salts in adequate quantities, as well it helps in the process of filtering the blood and purified of toxins.
• If vine leaves cooked and prepared as a tea, they serve to clean the urine and kidney and bladder of salts.
• Research confirms that cities whose populations are in their eating fresh grapes to less disease and cancer, thanks to the impact of the grapes effective in purifying the blood and remove toxins and sudden disturbances in the growth of body tissues.
• It must be emphasized to wash grapes several times with water, to remove the chemicals.

Beauty and grapes

Contains grape juice and seeds to sugars, vitamins and fruit acids that work on the smoothness of the skin and peel to get rid of dead cells .. The substances found in grape seed are pulling the skin and fights free radicals that affect the skin tissue.


Wiping the face with the juice of grapes by piece of cloth saturated by one of the most food for the benefit of facial skin and then left for a quarter of an hour before washing it with warm water.

benefits of honey for face skin

Honey and its benefits to the skin

benefits of honey and therapeutic cosmetic research has shown at the University of Florida in Department of Science and Human Nutrition of the importance of honey and therapeutic health and beauty, he appeared also that the components of the honey has made him more antibiotics in the treatment of most diseases, especially burns and skin rash.

Honey contains minerals including iron, manganese, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium zinc. Honey is resistant to oxidation "any chemical transformations within the body, which provides the energy necessary for vital activities, which may cause some diseases.

And used honey to treat wounds leather as the ability to absorb moisture from the air helps to heal and piety of the skin after the wound and prevent the dressing from sticking.

The advantages of plastic known since the days of Cleopatra and still common in our time the properties of honey make it suitable for use in cosmetics and toiletries.
Honey facial cleanser, moisturizer for the skin polished hair processor acne.

How do you look after your beauty using honey?

There are several masks are used to treat skin types and problems for example, is a mask of honey with Yoghurt for the treatment of oily skin and finesse of pimples black and is the preparation of this mask is put half a cup of yogurt in a dish and add to it a spoonful of honey bees, and leaves the mix for two minutes and then placed on the face and wash with warm water can also put a mask of yogurt only on the face for fifteen minutes then rinse with warm water helps this mask to clean face and also there is a mask to tighten facial skin and make skin supple and operation to flatten the face and depends on the mask ((zucchini honey and cucumber)).

And on how to use says that it is placed a grain of zucchini and a grain of choice with two tablespoons of honey in a blender for two minutes.
Until it is mixed well and then this mixture is taken and placed on the woman's face for half an hour then wash face with water.

benefits of green tea for fat Weight loss and heart health

Why is green tea .. Great interest?

green tea

Green tea helps to burn fat

Green tea helps to speed up the metabolism, because its anti-oxidant helps the liver to function more effectively.

Has discovered a new U.S. study conducted on obese men that drinking green tea three times a day

Burn an extra 200 calories a day. Also found people who drink green tea that energy they have been enhanced significantly.

In addition, green tea lowers the blood sugar level, which is responsible for the storage of glucose as fat, and therefore reduce the level of sugar also reduce the level of fat stored in the body.

Green tea protects the heart from disease

Studies have shown that green tea reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood because its anti-oxidant to prevent oxidation of LDL cholesterol LDL in the arteries.

It is an abnormal blood clots leading cause of heart attacks and strokes has shown that green tea prevents the formation of blood clots is natural and has the same effectiveness of aspirin in this area.

On the other hand, it should be noted that aspirin has anti-clotting effects are different from green tea, so if you take small doses of aspirin to prevent heart attack or stroke, should you continue to do so even if you drink green tea as well.

As well as studies have shown that green tea increases the beneficial HDL cholesterol levels, which helps to remove platelets from the walls of arteries, fatty.

Green tea helps in reducing blood pressure

The reason for high blood pressure to come out of college and an enzyme called ACE. The working pressure-lowering drugs to prevent the secretion of the enzyme, therefore, blood pressure could be reduced by disabling the enzyme action.

As for green tea is disabled for normal enzyme numerous studies have shown that blood pressure decreased in animals and humans after giving them the products of green tea.

Green tea protects against diabetes

When the body consumes the starch, it needs to be an enzyme called amylase for analysis into simple sugars can be absorbed into the bloodstream.

The polyphenols found in green tea prevent the enzyme amylase and therefore helps reduce blood sugar levels.

The high levels of sugar and insulin in the blood shows people diagnosed with diabetes. One study has shown that one cup of green tea per day reduce the level of amylase enzyme activity by 87 percent.

Green tea helps prevent food poisoning

Because green tea kill the bacteria, the drink with meals can reduce the risk of bacterial food poisoning. Green tea also prevents the growth of bacteria in the intestines and help the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines.

Green tea prevents bad breath

The green tea which is a factor naturally anti-bacterial with meals can help to kill bacteria in the mouth that cause tooth decay and bad breath