Jun 29, 2012

benefits of green tea for fat Weight loss and heart health

Why is green tea .. Great interest?

green tea

Green tea helps to burn fat

Green tea helps to speed up the metabolism, because its anti-oxidant helps the liver to function more effectively.

Has discovered a new U.S. study conducted on obese men that drinking green tea three times a day

Burn an extra 200 calories a day. Also found people who drink green tea that energy they have been enhanced significantly.

In addition, green tea lowers the blood sugar level, which is responsible for the storage of glucose as fat, and therefore reduce the level of sugar also reduce the level of fat stored in the body.

Green tea protects the heart from disease

Studies have shown that green tea reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood because its anti-oxidant to prevent oxidation of LDL cholesterol LDL in the arteries.

It is an abnormal blood clots leading cause of heart attacks and strokes has shown that green tea prevents the formation of blood clots is natural and has the same effectiveness of aspirin in this area.

On the other hand, it should be noted that aspirin has anti-clotting effects are different from green tea, so if you take small doses of aspirin to prevent heart attack or stroke, should you continue to do so even if you drink green tea as well.

As well as studies have shown that green tea increases the beneficial HDL cholesterol levels, which helps to remove platelets from the walls of arteries, fatty.

Green tea helps in reducing blood pressure

The reason for high blood pressure to come out of college and an enzyme called ACE. The working pressure-lowering drugs to prevent the secretion of the enzyme, therefore, blood pressure could be reduced by disabling the enzyme action.

As for green tea is disabled for normal enzyme numerous studies have shown that blood pressure decreased in animals and humans after giving them the products of green tea.

Green tea protects against diabetes

When the body consumes the starch, it needs to be an enzyme called amylase for analysis into simple sugars can be absorbed into the bloodstream.

The polyphenols found in green tea prevent the enzyme amylase and therefore helps reduce blood sugar levels.

The high levels of sugar and insulin in the blood shows people diagnosed with diabetes. One study has shown that one cup of green tea per day reduce the level of amylase enzyme activity by 87 percent.

Green tea helps prevent food poisoning

Because green tea kill the bacteria, the drink with meals can reduce the risk of bacterial food poisoning. Green tea also prevents the growth of bacteria in the intestines and help the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines.

Green tea prevents bad breath

The green tea which is a factor naturally anti-bacterial with meals can help to kill bacteria in the mouth that cause tooth decay and bad breath

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